Trademark Registration In Ajmer

Trademark registration is obtained under the Trademarks Act, 1999 or 2016. Trademark provide an exclusive identity of the goods and services that a person is selling from other such goods and services. The owner of trademark authorises with a right to sue for damages and loss if any contraventions of trademarks has been occurs.


A Trademark provides exclusive identity Since at the present scenario, the market place has got crowded with more and more competitors so more and more brands are available, so it has become close to impossible to differentiate among them is not so easy. So, the only demarcation between companies to attract customers and to be able to stand out differently is by getting an exclusive trademark registered for one’s brand and consequently build the business.

Why Trademark Registration In Ajmer ?

The Extensively famous Ajmer of India, is at present at the stage of a fast flourishing and highly glamorous city in India, with very fast development in diverse economic sectors.

You can easily achieve the objective what you want to achieve in future. As Ajmer is one of the oldest cities of the state of Rajasthan in India and also located at the centre of state Rajasthan. Lots of things which attracts the corporate sector offering the variety of business opportunities in Ajmer. So it will be beneficial to have Trademark registration in Ajmer.

What Are The Types Of Trademark In Ajmer ?

  • Words and service marks
  • Shape marks
  • Logos and symbols(device)
  • Collective marks
  • Series Marks
  • The Certification mark

Is It Possible To Obtain Trademark Registration By An Individual ?

An individual who is not doing any business is eligible to file a trademark application and to obtain trademark registration for a word or symbol or for both (device) that is proposed to be used by that individual in the future.

Documents Required To Register Trademark In Ajmer?

The govt. fees for registration of a company depends on the capital investment and the number of members involved in incorporation of the company. Taking an example of capital of Rs. 1 lakh and 2 members and place of Business is in Rajasthan; it costs around Rs. 1500/-

What Is Fee For Trademark Registration In Ajmer ?

  • A signed Form-48.
  • Form-48 is an authorisation from the applicant to a Trademark for filing the trademark application on the behalf of that person's.

Identity Proof of the individual or Proprietor is required

  • Name, address, and nationality of the applicant.
  • Address Proof of the applicant
  • Aadhaar Card or PAN Card or Passport
  • Scanned copy of the logo (if registering the logo)

The government fees :

  • for trademark registration is Rs. 9000 per application per class for company
  • for trademark registration is Rs. 4500 per application per class for individual

What Are The Steps Of Getting Registered The Trademark In Ajmer ?

Steps are as follows :

  • 1

    To Search a trademark name which must be different from other ones.

  • 2

    Then to file the trademark application (registering Form is TM-A)

  • 3

    Then, Examination of application of the trademark by the government authority

    • The examination report by the Trademark Authority is must be issued within a time period of 30 days of filling the registration application
    • And then reply to the examination report issued by Trademark Authority is also required to be filed within a period of 30 days after receiving the examination report asserting the arguments and evidence against any objections to waive them off.
  • 4

    Post- examination

    (After the filing of the reply to the examination report, the Trademark Authority may appoint a hearing if they not properly satisfied with the reply of the examination report or in case the objections are not met properly.
    So they can approve it or they may reject it if still any objection persists.
  • 5

    Once the application has been accepted by the Trademark Authority the said trademark is advertised and also published in the Trade Marks Journal for a period of 4 months. The motive for the publication is to invite the general public to filing an opposition against the registration of the that mark.

  • 6

    Opposition received from general public

    After posting the advertisement and publication of the trademark in the journal, any aggrieved person can file a notice to oppose against the registration of the advertised or published trademark. This notice to oppose the trademark has to be filed in Form TM- O within 4 months of publication in the Journal.
    In case if anyone objected the applied trademark , then the process of law has to be followed which includes filing the counter- statement application, evidence and also hearing in order to get the trademark registered.
  • 7

    At last Registration of the trademark.

    Once the registration is complete, it is valid for a period of 10 years after that it would be required to renewed it within a prescribed time period.

Minimum Time Period Of Registration Of Trademark In Ajmer

The minimum time to be taken to register a Trademark is 8-12 months, in case if there is any Objection raised, it may lead to delay of atleast a year and if there is opposition filed by a party then the Application may take nearly 2 years also to get registered

Benefits Of Trademark Registration In Ajmer

The registration of a trademark gaves the exclusive right to the registered person to the use of trademarks in respect of goods and services of which the trademark is registered, and also they obtain relief in respect of the infringement of the trademark.

What We Conclude At Last ?

It is advisable to you to get trademark registration for yours goods and services provided by you as :

Trademark registration is provide you an exclusive right to the use of the trademark in relation to the “Class” of goods or service it represents.

The greatest benefit to having a registered trademark is to be able to safeguard the brand of one’s goods and services. And also, having a strong brand can help you as a direct link between the customer and the product by making sure they are reliable.

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