What is the Difference between FSSAI and AGMARK?

There is a comprehensive list of product certificates and the actions with which the food business operators must comply. Food laws are one of the most widely enforced laws in the country. As per the food qualities, the food products are certified. The latest standards regarding food products are FSSAI and AGMARK. They ensure that the consumers eat high-quality products and are unadulterated. This article would highlight the latest standards of food and difference between FSSAI and AGMARK.

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What is FSSAI?

FSSAI Act was enacted in 2006 to establish the FSSAI Authority which regulates food and safety quality in India and to grant FSSAI license and registration to food businesses. The main objective of this organization is to control and monitor the quality of the food business in India to ensure food security in the country.FSSAI Act replaces several food regulations in India and sets standards for the production, packaging, and labeling, storage, distribution, import, and export of food products in India

The FSSAI certificate works to ensure that food is safe to eat. All establishment associated with food processing such as cold storage, production, distribution, and even packaging, must comply with FSSAI recommendations and have a valid FSSAI operating license in India.

Functions of FSSAI

  • Create policies that describe the certification of laboratories testing the food.
  • Provide training for people involved in the food business industry.
  • Encourage food safety awareness. Develop general awareness about food safety and food standards.
  • Set standard guidelines for the certification body and the management of the process of certification.
  • Participate in the development of overseas technical standards for food, health, and sanitary.
  • Collect data on food use, health hazards, contaminants, residues, and nearby biological threats. Create a program that gives people information about these risks.
  • Execute planning programs and decisions adopted by the Food Authority.
  • Food Management and Food Safety Officials will monitor and ensure that appropriate legal requirements are met by food business owners at all stages of the food business.

What is AGMARK?

AGMARK is a certification used in agricultural products in India, ensuring that it complies with the set of requirement sauthorized through the Directorate of Marketing and Inspection. It is a quality certificate that identifies the quality of the product and labels it as required under the guidelines set by the governing body. These standards are designed to comply with international laws and definitions so that we can comply with WTO requirements.

The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection for Agricultural Production in India is responsible for the following:

  • Ensuring product quality and purity
  • Performing a third-party guarantor for certifying quality.
  • Setting standards for agricultural commodities.
  • Integration of food safety standards by the WTO.

Difference between FSSAI and AGMARK

After having a look at the meaning and purpose of them it is important to differentiate between the FSSAI and AGMARK.

Meaning AGMARK is a certification labeled to agricultural products to comply with the Agricultural Products Act, 1986. FSSAI (Food Standard and Safety Authority of India) is a department or division of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Purpose AGMARK is employed in agricultural products to ensure the standardsof the product of the supervising agency.The Directorate of Marketing & Inspection, Government of India acts as a Certification Agency to ensure product compliance. FSSAI helps to regulate and supervise the operation of food businesses in India, as well as to monitor and promote public health.
Governance It is established under the Agriculture Produce (Grading and Marking) Act of India, 1937 (amendments in 1986) It is governed under Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006
Issuance AGMARK certification is given to Agricultural Products after various analyzes or testing at state-owned laboratories FSSAI license is allotted based on turnover and activity of the establishment.
Coverage The current AGMARK standard includes the product quality of 205 different commodities. FSSAI covers all types of food products and setscertain standards for some commodities.
Product type AGMARK covers only agricultural products. FSSAI deals with all types of food products be it agricultural products, dairy products, processed or meat products
Functions Employed in agricultural products in India and ensures that it complies with the set standards approved by the Directorate of Marking and Inspection It sets out the science-based standards of food articles to regulate their production, storage, distribution, marketing, and importation to ensure the availability of safe and healthy food for human consumption.

Final words

The food laws should be strict to ensure the safety of the consumers. They are very essential and cannot be neglected. They deal with one of the most important areas – health and hygiene. The government institutions must ensure the effective implementation of the law

FSSAI looks at the conditions for production, storage, distribution, improvement of hygiene standards, and the promotion of awareness among consumers. FSSAI has set scientific standards to ensure that the quality of food products is maintained. The AGMARK certificate is a label that applies to the AGMARK product list.

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