NBFC Management Transfers: Compliance and Approval Processes

In the Non-banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) the management transfer process is vital, which demands attention to compliance and regulatory work permission. To understand the procedure and regulatory needs to be done as the financial landscape evolves. Surrounding these transfers leads to paramount for both regulatory institutions and industry professionals. The present article will explain the
framework of compliances and permission procedures governing NBFC management transfers. In addition, it discusses the crucial considerations and processes involved in having a seamless transition while adhering to regulatory standards.

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The setup of regulatory work for NBFC management transfers lies in the DNBS (PD) CC.NO.376/03.10.001/2013-14 and Notification No. DNBS (PD) 275/GM (AM)-2014, dated May 26, 2014. These directives confer a structure for the transfer or acquisition of control within NBFCs and have been revised to strengthen efficacy and clarity in response to industry feedback.

Need of Prior Approval: The revised directives underscore the necessity for prior written permission from the RBI in several cases:

  • Amendment in shareholding: NBFC management transfers essential aspect is to amend in shareholding exceeding 26% of the paid-up equity capital. Such changes, occurring progressively over time or as an outcome of a single transaction, significant RBI permission. It is pertinent to note that some alterations like deduction of capital or stemming from share buybacks with court approval, do not need prior approval, they must be reported to the RBI.
  • Acquisition or Takeover of Control: Any changes in the management of NBFC, instead of its execution management, warrants RBI permission to protect the interests of investors, financial system, and depositors.
  • Alteration in management: Any alteration in the controlling framework, leads to modification in more than 30% of directors (excluding independent directors) compulsorily before RBI approval for change in shareholding of NBFC. Exceptions are formed for directors re-elected on retirement by rotation, underscoring the focus of RBI on maintaining governance standards and integrity within the NBFC’s master directions.

Comprehensive Guide for Obtaining RBI Approval

Here is a procedure for obtaining approval:

  • Application form: NBFC begins the management transfers and shall appoint a formal application on the letterhead of the company to the RBI. The Application must enclose a set of documents such as:
  1. All information about the proposed shareholders/ directors;
  2. Proposed shareholder’s source of income;
  3. Declaration of the non-association with unincorporated bodies accepting the deposits or companies whose CoR applications have been rejected by the RBI.
  4. There must be no criminal cases against the proposed directors/ shareholders.
  5. Report of bankers on the financial standing of the proposed directors/ shareholders.
  • Regional Office submission: All applications the RBI permission must be routed to the Regional Office of the Department of Non-banking Supervision where the registered office of NBFCs is located, and ensure localized oversight and efficient processing.
  • Prior Public Notice requirement: In the NBFC management transfers, transparency and stakeholder communication a critical aspects, to the issue of prior public notice. The notice, spanning a minimum of 30 days, confers to inform stakeholders regarding the impending changes in ownership or control, ensuring transparency, and mitigating essential market disruptions.
  • Immediate Implementation and Compliance: These directives come into immediate effect, having all NBFC management transfers occurring after the circular issuance date. Compliance with these regulations is imperative to uphold regulations, manage the integrity of the financial system, and foster investor confidence.
  • Consequences of non-compliance: Non-adherence to the prescribed instructions may attract adverse regulatory actions, such as the cancellation of the Certificate of Registration (CoR) for the NBFC.

How to get NBFC License from RBI in India


Through the above-mentioned information, navigating NBFC management transfers includes a delicate balance between regulatory compliance and operational efficiency. As NBFCs play a vital role in the financial ecosystem, making sure that smooth transitions in management is imperative for controlling the trust and stability in the field. By adhering to the provided compliance structure and obtaining necessary regulatory permissions, NBFCs can offer seamless transitions and mitigate risks, which uphold the integrity of the financial system.

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