Cracking the Code: Unravelling the Mysteries of HSN Code Implementation under GST

HSN Code under GST

In the complex area of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India, HSN (Harmonized System of Nomenclature) codes holds the key to proper classification and taxation of goods and services. However, understanding and implicating HSN codes can often be a challenging task for businesses. In this article, we aim to simplify the process and provide a practical guidance on how to effectively implicate HSN codes under GST. From revealing the significance of HSN Code under GST to step-by-step implementation strategies, join us as we offer the HSN codes and empower your business with smooth GST compliance.

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What do you mean by HSN Code?

HSN Code full form is Harmonized System of Nomenclature Code. It is an internationally recognized system for classifying goods and services. The HSN code is a numerical code assigned to each product or service that helps in the systematic classification and identification of goods and services for taxation and statistical purposes.The HSN code consists of a series of digits that provide a detailed description of the goods or services being classified. The code follows a hierarchical structure, with broader categories represented by fewer digits and more specific categories represented by additional digits.The HSN code system is used by countries around the world to facilitate international trade, customs, and taxation. In the context of GST in India, the HSN code is used to classify goods and services for tax purposes. It helps in determining the applicable tax rates and allows for uniformity in tax administration and reporting.The HSN code is an important component in the GST regime as it helps in the systematic categorization and taxation of goods and services, simplifies the process of filing tax returns, and enables effective data analysis and monitoring of trade activities.Businesses need to mention the appropriate HSN code on their invoices, returns, and other GST-related documents to ensure compliance with tax regulations and facilitate accurate reporting.

What is an HSN Code under GST?

The HSN code is an internationally recognized system for classifying goods and services. It was not specifically obtained or created under GST in India. The HSN code system is maintained and updated by the World Customs Organization (WCO), which is an intergovernmental organization responsible for developing and maintaining international standards related to customs procedures and trade facilitation.In the context of GST implementation in India, the HSN code system was adopted to classify goods and services for taxation purposes. The HSN codes were already in existence and widely used for customs and trade purposes before the introduction of GST. The Indian government incorporated the HSN code system into the GST framework to streamline taxation and bring uniformity in the classification and taxation of goods and services.The HSN code list used under GST in India is based on the international HSN code system, with certain modifications and additions specific to the Indian context. The HSN code list is maintained by the Indian government and is regularly updated to accommodate changes and new additions as per the evolving requirements of the GST regime.

When has India adopted the GST HSN Code?

India adopted the HSN code under the GST regime with effect from July 1, 2017. The implementation of GST marked a significant overhaul of the taxation system in India, replacing multiple indirect taxes with a unified tax structure. As part of this transition, the HSN code system was incorporated to classify goods and services for taxation purposes.The adoption of the code under GST aimed to bring uniformity, simplify tax administration, and ensure accurate tax calculation based on the nature and classification of goods and services. The HSN code system provides a standardized classification framework that facilitates the proper determination of tax rates, enhances transparency, and streamlines compliance procedures.Since its implementation, businesses in India have been required to mention the appropriate HSN codes for their goods or services on invoices, returns, and other GST-related documents. The HSN code list used under GST in India is based on the international HSN code system with certain modifications and additions specific to the Indian context. The list is regularly updated by the Indian government to accommodate changes and new additions as per the evolving requirements of the GST regime.

For whom an HSN Code is mandatory?

Under the GST regime in India, the HSN code is compulsory for businesses that fall under certain criteria. Here’s a breakdown of who needs to use the HSN code:

  • Registered GST Dealers: All registered GST dealers, including manufacturers, traders, wholesalers, and service providers, are required to use the HSN code for their goods or services in their invoices, returns, and other GST-related documents.
  • Businesses with Turnover Above Prescribed Threshold: For businesses with an annual turnover exceeding Rs. 1.5 crores (Rs. 75 lakhs for certain states in the North-Eastern region), the use of HSN codes with a minimum of 4 digits is mandatory in their invoices. These businesses need to provide detailed HSN code information for the goods they are selling or services they are providing.
  • Businesses with Turnover Below Prescribed Threshold: For businesses with an annual turnover below the prescribed threshold, the use of HSN codes is not mandatory. However, they have the option to use HSN codes if they wish to provide more specific details in their invoices and facilitate a smooth transition for their customers.

Step-by-step procedure for implicating HSN Code under GST

To implicate the HSN code in India, you can follow these steps:

  • Identify the goods or services: Determine the nature of the goods or services you are dealing with. Understand their composition, characteristics, and purpose.
  • Find the correct HSN code: Refer to the official HSN code list available on the GST portal or other reliable sources. The HSN code list categorizes goods and services based on their nature, purpose, and composition. Locate the HSN code that best matches your product or service.
  • Verify the accuracy: Once you have identified a potential HSN code, review its description and ensure that it accurately represents your goods or services. Cross-check with any relevant industry guidelines or seek expert advice if needed to confirm the correct HSN code.
  • Determine the applicable tax rate: Based on the assigned HSN code, determine the applicable GST tax rate for your goods or services. The GST tax rates can be 0%, 5%, 12%, 18%, or 28% depending on the HSN code.
  • Mention the HSN code in invoices: When issuing invoices for your goods or services, include the relevant HSN code for each item. Ensure that the HSN code is mentioned accurately and clearly in the invoice to facilitate proper classification and tax calculation.
  • Maintain accurate records: It is crucial to maintain proper records of the HSN codes used for your goods or services. This helps during GST return filing and ensures compliance with GST regulations. Keep track of any changes in the HSN codes or product/service descriptions.
  • Update HSN codes when required: Review your goods or services periodically to ensure that the assigned HSN codes are still accurate. If there are any changes in the nature, composition, or purpose of the goods or services, update the HSN codes accordingly.

Significance of HSN Code under GST

The HSN code plays a significant role under the GST regime in India. Here are some of its key significances:

  • Systematic Classification: The HSN code provides a systematic and standardized classification system for goods and services. It enables a structured categorization of products and services based on their nature, composition, and purpose.
  • Uniform Taxation: The HSN code ensures uniformity in tax rates and taxation practices across different goods and services. Each HSN code is associated with a specific tax rate, enabling consistent application of tax rates across the country. This uniform taxation helps in promoting transparency, reducing tax disputes, and simplifying tax administration.
  • Simplified Compliance: The HSN code simplifies compliance procedures for businesses. By specifying the HSN code on invoices, returns, and other GST-related documents, businesses provide a standardized description of their goods or services. It simplifies the process of filing tax returns, enables accurate reporting, and facilitates easy verification by tax authorities.
  • Accurate Tax Calculation: The HSN code helps in determining the correct tax liability for goods and services. Each HSN code is associated with a specific GST tax rate, ensuring accurate tax calculation based on the nature and classification of the product or service. This prevents under or overpayment of taxes, reducing the risk of penalties or scrutiny.
  • Trade Monitoring and Data Analysis: The HSN code system allows for effective monitoring of trade activities and data analysis. By analysing the data based on HSN codes, tax authorities can gain insights into the composition and trends of imports, exports, and domestic trade. This helps in policy-making, identifying potential areas of revenue leakage, and monitoring the overall performance of different sectors.
  • International Compatibility: The HSN code is internationally recognized and used for customs purposes. By aligning the HSN code system with global standards, it facilitates seamless international trade and harmonization with international customs practices. This promotes ease of doing business and enhances competitiveness in the global marketplace.


Mastering the art of implicating HSN codes under GST is no small feat, however, armed with knowledge and a systematic approach, businesses can navigate the complexities with confidence. By the step-by-step procedure outlined in this article, businesses can ensure proper classification. Remember, staying updated with the official HSN code list, verifying the accuracy of codes, and maintaining detailed records are essential for successful implementation. Periodically reviewing and updating codes based on any changes in goods or services will keep your business aligned with the evolving landscape of GST regulations.

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