How to get a Food License in Rajasthan?

How to get a Food License in Rajasthan?

With more and more food business operators coming in the food industry, the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India under the Ministry of Health & Welfare is ensuring food safety in the country. They help the government in bringing regulations in the food business industry. If someone wants to start a food business in Rajasthan, they have to register with FSSAI to start their operation and maintain the compliances. The business owners need to be aware of all the procedure for getting the food license in Rajasthan. Here in this article, we will be discussing about the types of food license, process of getting food license in Rajasthan, and the documents required for FSSAI License.

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Food License in Rajasthan

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India and State Food Authorities have an important role in maintaining the food quality levels. They assure food safety levels by implementing measures to eliminate toxic and hazardous elements in food. Food Business operators like meat processing units, proprietary foods, slaughtering units, restaurants, hotels, food processing units, dairy units, and vegetable oil processing units can get a State FS

e or Central FSSAI License.

Types of Food License in Rajasthan

There are two types of Food licenses State FSSAI License and Central FSSAI License. Additionally, there is an FSSAI License for petty food retailers.

The three different types of food licenses in Rajasthan are:

  1. Basic FSSAI Registration for petty food business: Small petty food business operators are required to get a basic FSSAI Registration issued by the State government for 1 to 5 years. This registration is for units having an annual turnover of less than Rs. 12 Lakhs.
  1. State FSSAI License: If food business operators have an annual turnover of more than Rs. 12 Lakhs they have to get a State FSSAI License. These food business operators are mainly small and medium-sized manufacturers. Storage units, retailers, and distributors. It has a minimum validity of 1 year and a maximum of 5 years validity.
  1. Central FSSAI License: If any food business operator has a turnover of more than Rs. 20 Crore they have to obtain a Central FSSAI License. These operators are mainly large manufacturers, export-oriented units, and operators in central government agencies like airports, etc. The food business operators have to get the central FSSAI license for their head office having 1 to 5 years validity.

Steps To Get a Food License in Rajasthan

The following steps needs to be taken care of:

Step 1: If a food business operator has to get FSSAI License, they have to get FSSAI Registration first. It is initiated by submitting Form A or Form B to the Food and Safety Department or by applying on the FoSCoS portal. User ID is created and new application submission starts.

Step 2: The FBO has to select the kind of business in the application and then see the eligibility for license or registration. They have to submit the required self-attested documents along with the application and acceptance of declaration and fees. It can be submitted to the department or uploaded online on the portal of FoSCoS.

Step 3: The Registration authority confirms the jurisdiction of application and offline fee receipt if applicable.

Step 4: The Authorities will scrutinize the documents. The Licensing Authorities can raise queries at any stage of application if they find any anomaly with the application. The applicant should regularly check the portal until the application process is completed.

Step 5: The Registration Authority will conduct an inspection of the premises prior to the grant of license if it is necessary.

Step 6: If the authority accepts the application, they grant the license or registration certificate with a registration number and photograph of the applicant. This certificate has to be displayed at the place of business during business hours. The Copy of the license embedded with a QR code is emailed to the Food Business Operators and is also available in the account. The authorities don’t dispatch a hard copy nowadays.

Documents for Food License

The following are the documents requirement for Food License

Documents required for Basic FSSAI License

  • Passport-sized photograph
  • PAN Card
  • Identification proof of the applicant
  • Address Proof like Telephone/Mobile Bill/ Electricity/Gas Bill)
  • Copy of Property papers or copy of rent agreement and NOC letter from the Landlord as the case may be.

Documents for FSSAI State License

  • Completed and signed Form-B by the Proprietor or partner.
  • Blueprint or layout of the processing unit and operation-wise area allocation in case of manufacturing and processing units.
  • Proof of possession of premises.
  • Partnership affidavit in case of Proprietorship.
  • List of directors, partners, or proprietors along with the other contact details.
  • The list and complete details of the types of equipment and machinery.
  • Photo ID and address proof of directors, partners, or proprietors. (optional)
  • The food category to be manufactured.
  • Authority letter along with the name of the nominated person responsible for assisting officers during the inspection, sample collection, packing, and dispatch.
  • The NOC accompanied with license copy from the manufacturer.
  • Food Safety Management System plan or certificate.

Documents Required for FSSAI Central License

  • Completed and signed Form-B by the Proprietor or partner
  • Blueprint or layout of the processing unit and operation-wise area allocation in the case of manufacturing and processing units.
  • List of directors, partners, or proprietors along with the other contact details.
  • The list and details of all types of equipment and machinery.
  • Photo ID and address proof of directors, partners, or proprietors. (Optional)
  • In the case of manufacturers, the list of food categories to be manufactured.
  • Authority letter along with the name of the nominated person responsible for assisting officers during the inspection, sample collection, packing, and dispatch.
  • The analysis report of water to confirm portability (mandatory for manufacturing and processing unit)
  • Proof of possession of premises like the sale deed or rent agreement etc. (optional)
  • Partnership Deed or self-declaration for proprietorship or MOA or AOA
  • NOC and license copy from the manufacturer.
  • Food Safety Management System plan or certificate.
  • Source of milk and the procurement plan as applicable.
  • The source of raw material for meat and meat processing plants.
  • Pesticide residues report of water in case of manufacturing units of drinking water or packaged mineral water and carbonated water from a public health laboratory.
  • Recall Plan if applicable
  • NOCs from municipality and FSSAI
  • Documentary proof of turnover
  • IE Code document by DGFT
  • Nomination under Form IX
  • Along with Form IX stating the nomination of persons along with Board Resolution.
  • Certificate by Ministry of Tourism in case of hotels
  • Declaration form

Renewal of FSSAI Food License

Every FSSAI license is valid for a minimum period of 1 year and a maximum period of 5 years. It is important for every food business to renew the license. Food Business Operators have to apply for renewal of food license either in Form A or Form B before 30 days of the expiry of the license. If FSSAI Renewal Application is filed beyond the expiry date, it is subjected late fee of Rs.100 for each delayed day.

The renewal of food license can be applied as early as 180 days prior to the expiry date. If the food license expires, the Food Business Operator should mandatorily terminate all the business activities at the premises.

Documents for renewal of license

Form B duly signed and completed along with updating of details of Nominee in Form IX in case of nominee change, FSMS Plan, certificate and self-declaration form.

Advantages of getting a Food License

  • Getting a food license provides legal benefits to the owners,
  • Build goodwill and ensure food safety standard are met.
  • It also helps the Food Business Operators to regulate, manufacture, and storage, distribution of import food.
  • The food license acts like a single reference for all the rules and regulation.
  • Helps in gaining consumer confidence regarding the quality of food.

List of Penalties for offences under FSSAI License

Particulars Fine
Misleading Advertisement 10 Lakh
Penalty for sub-standard food products 5 Lakh
Penalty for misbranded food 3 Lakh
Penalty for extraneous matter in food 1 Lakh
Penalty in case for non-compliance with directions of Food Safety Officer 2 Lakh
Penalty for unhygienic processing or manufacturing of food 1 Lakh
Penalty for possessing adulterant 2 Lakh
Penalty for providing unsafe food 5 Lakh
Compensation in case of injury or death of the consumer 5 Lakh
Obstruction or impersonating of food safety officer 1 Lakh
Interference with seized items 2 Lakh
Providing false information 2 Lakh


It is mandatory to get a food license in Rajasthan, if someone wants to become a Food Business Operator. Therefore, the business owners should always comply with all the rules and regulations and get food license along with other required license for smooth functioning of their business.

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