All you need to know about Gold investment in India

Gold Investment in IndiaGold is one of the most preferred investments in India. High liquidity and the ability to beat inflation are its strengths, not to mention charm, prestige, and so on. Gold prices shoot up as markets face turbulence. Although there are phases when the markets witness a decline in gold prices, it will not last long and it will always see a strong comeback. In this article, we are going to discuss Gold Investment in India, the Taxation of Gold Investment Options, & How to invest in gold?

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Why should you invest in Gold?

Safety, liquidity, and returns are the three criteria most risk-averse investors look for before investing. While gold meets the first two criteria without any problems, it does not fare badly in the last one either. Here’s why you should invest in gold:

  • Investing in gold pays off because it is an inflation-beating investment. Over time, the return on gold investments has been in line with the rate of inflation.
  • Gold has an inverse relationship to stock investments. For example, if stock markets start to decline, gold would do well. Considering gold as an investment option in your investment portfolio will buffer the overall volatility of your portfolio.

How to invest in Gold?

If you want to invest in gold, you can choose either the physical form or the digital form. In physical form, gold can be held as an investment in the form of jewelry, coins, bullion, etc. However, investing in physical gold has several key limitations:

  • Creation and design fees make the purchase more expensive.
  • Storage costs are charged due to security and insurance requirements.
  • The sale is inconvenient due to possible impurities and the requirement for certificates of origin and purity.

To overcome the limitations of physical gold, you can opt for the digital route, which includes investments such as digital gold, gold ETFs, gold mutual funds, and sovereign gold bonds. The following is a brief description of each of these investment options:

  • Digital Gold: Can be purchased through various apps in denominations from 1 gram upwards.
  • Gold ETFs: Gold ETFs are traded on exchanges just like stocks and primarily contain physical gold and gold mining and refining stocks as the primary underlying assets. A Demat (dematerialized) account is mandatory for investing in gold ETFs.
  • Gold Mutual Funds: These are mutual funds managed by various asset management companies (AMCs) that follow a fund structure and invest primarily in gold ETFs. You can invest in most gold mutual funds through the ETMONEY app.
  • Sovereign Gold Bonds: These bonds are regularly released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and are available for purchase through leading public and private sector banks. While the returns are tied to the price of gold and guaranteed by the GOI, they do not actually have physical gold as an underlying asset.

What are gold funds?

By investing in gold funds, you buy shares of companies dealing in gold and gold-related activities. Gold mutual funds include silver, platinum, and other metals in their investment portfolios. A mutual fund manager manages a gold fund on behalf of an asset management company, unlike gold ETFs. They use fundamental business analysis to buy and sell stocks to maximize returns for investors. Returns from gold funds depend to some extent on market conditions. Gold mutual funds significantly eliminate yield risk by spreading investments across a wide range of investment options. In other words, mutual funds work on the principle of diversification, i.e., not putting all your eggs in one basket. Investors must consider their risk appetite and objectives before choosing such a mutual fund.

Taxation of Gold Investment Options

Taxation of gold investments primarily occurs at the time your investment is sold or at maturity. Capital gains tax rules apply to physical gold, digital gold, gold ETFs, and gold mutual funds. Depending on the holding period of your investment, i.e., the time period between the purchase and sale of your investments, the rules for short-term capital gains (STCG) or long-term capital gains (LTCG) may apply.

If the holding period of these investments before redemption or sale is 3 years or less, the gains are classified as STCG. In this case, the profits will be added to your taxable income for the relevant financial year and taxed at the rate of income tax. In case you have held your gold investment for more than 3 years before sale or redemption, LTCG rules apply. Currently, LTCG on physical gold, digital gold, gold ETFs, and gold mutual funds is calculated at 20% of capital gains with the benefit of indexation.

The taxation of sovereign gold bonds works a little differently. There are 4 possible ways your investment can be taxed, as follows:

  • Interest Taxation: Interest earned on government gold bonds (currently 2.5% p.a.) is fully taxable. It is added to your taxable income for the relevant FY and is taxed at the applicable basic rate.
  • Taxation of Early Redemption: If you withdraw your investment early after 5 years, the gains are completely tax-free. The RBI usually offers redemption windows every 6 months after the completion of the 5-year lock-in, which can be used to complete early monetization.
  • Taxation at Maturity: If you hold your sovereign gold bonds to maturity and cash them out after the 8-year holding period, your investment gains will be tax-free.
  • Taxation of Stock Exchange Sales: In case you buy back your bonds through the secondary market, you will be taxed as per the capital gains tax rules discussed earlier. So your investment will be subject to a tax rate of STCG or LTCG depending on the tenure of the bonds.

Gold Investment vs Mutual Funds

Gold Investment Mutual Fund
Definition Gold is a precious high-value metal that is liquid in nature Pools investors’ money in equities, debts, and other market instruments to multiply the money
Management Investments are made and managed by the investor Experts manage the investment professionally to create wealth and reduce risks
Risk Involved Physical carrying and storage of gold involves high risks of theft and burglary Investment in mutual funds can be made with safe and secure methods
Return Gold does not pay any dividends Mutual funds yield substantial returns to the investor
Investment Cost Taking an average cost of Rs.31,000 per 10 grams, one needs to carefully think before making an initial investment in gold; considering the high price to begin investing Mutual fund investment is affordable and flexible. One can start investments from Rs.1,000


Investments in physical gold and digital gold are not recommended due to the various risks associated with the investment as well as the significantly high bid-ask spreads associated with these investments. Sovereign gold bonds are the best choice if you plan to stay invested for 5 years or more. Not only will you receive regular interest payments while you remain invested, but you will also have the option of making a tax-free redemption after remaining invested for at least five years. Finally, repayment of these bonds at maturity, i.e., after 8 years, is also tax-free.

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