What is FSSAI Guidelines for Labelling & Packaging?

What is FSSAI Guidelines for Labelling & Packaging?

When it comes to the food industry, labelling and packaging play a vital role in ensuring consumer safety, promoting transparency, and providing essential information about the product. Labelling and packaging are not just about aesthetics; they serve a crucial purpose in establishing trust between the producer and the consumer. Let’s learn more about FSSAI Guidelines for Labelling & Packaging.

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Importance of Labelling and Packaging in the Food Industry

First and foremost, labelling provides consumers with valuable information about the food product they are purchasing. It includes details such as the list of ingredients, nutritional information, allergen warnings, and storage instructions. This information helps individuals make informed decisions about their food choices, especially for those with specific dietary needs or allergies. Moreover, clear labelling helps consumers identify the authenticity, origin, and quality of the product, enabling them to choose wisely.

Packaging, on the other hand, serves as a protective barrier for the food, safeguarding it from contamination, spoilage, and damage during transportation and storage. It ensures that the product reaches the consumer in a safe and hygienic condition. Packaging materials are chosen carefully to maintain the freshness, flavour, and integrity of the food.

In the context of FSSAI guidelines, labelling and packaging regulations are even more critical. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has established comprehensive guidelines to ensure that food products are labelled accurately and packaged safely. These guidelines aim to prevent misrepresentation, misleading claims, and the sale of adulterated or substandard food items. By adhering to FSSAI guidelines for labelling & packaging, producers demonstrate their commitment to consumer welfare and adhere to quality standards.

Overview of FSSAI Guidelines for Labelling & Packaging

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has established comprehensive guidelines for labelling and packaging in the food industry. FSSAI guidelines for labelling and packaging mandate that food labels must include essential information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, importer, or packer. This helps consumers identify the responsible party behind the product. The list of ingredients is another crucial aspect that must be clearly mentioned on the label, enabling individuals to make informed choices based on their dietary needs and preferences.

Nutritional information is also a key requirement in FSSAI guidelines for labelling & packaging. It ensures that consumers have access to information about the nutritional content of the food they are purchasing, including details about calories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. This information is invaluable for those managing specific health conditions or following dietary restrictions.

The FSSAI guidelines for labelling & packaging also emphasize allergen information on food labels. Allergen warnings are necessary to safeguard individuals with allergies or intolerances from consuming products that could pose a risk to their health. By clearly identifying allergens such as nuts, gluten, dairy, or soy, manufacturers help consumers make informed choices and avoid potential allergenic reactions.

Additionally, FSSAI label regulations requires labels to display the net quantity of the product, along with the date of manufacture and the best before/use-by date. This information ensures that consumers are aware of the freshness and shelf life of the product they are purchasing. Proper storage instructions are also provided to maintain the quality and safety of the food item.

Adhering to FSSAI guidelines for labelling and packaging is crucial for both producers and consumers. It ensures that food products meet regulatory standards, prevents misrepresentation, and promotes consumer trust and confidence. By providing accurate and transparent information, these guidelines play a pivotal role in safeguarding consumer health and promoting a fair marketplace.

Mandatory Label Information as per FSSAI Regulations

Mandatory label information, as per FSSAI label guidelines, ensures that consumers have access to essential details about the food products they purchase. These requirements play a crucial role in promoting consumer safety and transparency. Following are the information/details required to be shown in the labels and packaging:

Mandatory Label Information as per FSSAI Regulations

  • Name and Address of Manufacturer/Importer/Packer
  • List of Ingredients
  • Nutritional Information
  • Allergen Information
  • Net Quantity
  • Date of Manufacture and Best Before/Use by Date
  • Storage Instructions
  • FSSAI Logo and License Number

By including this mandatory label information, FSSAI label requirements aim to protect consumer health, provide transparency, and ensure that food products meet regulatory standards.

Additional Labelling Requirements

In addition to the mandatory label information, there are several additional labelling requirements as per FSSAI guidelines that further enhance consumer information and protection. For example, what is the country of origin of the product, whether its vegetarian/non-vegetarian marking, the batch number/code, instructions for use and /or warning labels (if applicable).

By incorporating these additional labelling requirements, FSSAI guidelines ensure that consumers have access to important information beyond the mandatory label information. These requirements enhance transparency, enable informed choices, and promote consumer safety and satisfaction.

Packaging Requirements as per FSSAI Guidelines

Packaging requirements, as per FSSAI guidelines, encompass several key aspects to ensure the safety, integrity, and sustainability of food packaging materials.

Firstly, FSSAI guidelines for nutritional labelling address food contact materials and packaging regulations. These regulations ensure that the materials used in food packaging are safe and do not pose any health risks or contamination hazards. It mandates that packaging materials must comply with specific standards to ensure the protection of food quality.

Packaging material safety and integrity is another crucial aspect. FSSAI guidelines emphasize that packaging materials should not react with or contaminate the food products they contain. They should maintain the integrity of the packaging and prevent any leakage or spoilage, ensuring that the food reaches consumers in a safe and hygienic condition. 

Furthermore, FSSAI guidelines also promote packaging material recycling and sustainability. They encourage the use of eco-friendly and recyclable packaging materials to minimize environmental impact. This includes considerations such as reducing packaging waste, using biodegradable or compostable materials, and adopting sustainable packaging practices.

Packaging size and design are also addressed by FSSAI guidelines. Packaging size should be appropriate and accurate, providing the correct quantity of the product to consumers. The design of the packaging should be practical, convenient, and informative, ensuring that consumers can easily access the product and obtain necessary information.

These guidelines help in maintaining food quality, preventing contamination, and promoting sustainable packaging practices within the food industry.

Labelling and Packaging Exceptions and Exemptions

Although FSSAI has established guidelines to regulate labelling and packaging practices for food products. However, there are certain exceptions and exemptions that need to be understood.

One such exception is for small-scale manufacturers. If a food business has an annual turnover of up to ₹12 lakh, they may be exempted from certain labelling requirements, such as displaying the FSSAI logo, the license number, and the nutritional information. This exemption acknowledges the limited resources of small-scale manufacturers while still maintaining a basic level of food safety information.

Another exemption applies to products packaged at the point of sale. Foods that are packaged in the presence of the customer, such as fresh produce or custom-made products, may be exempted from certain labelling requirements. However, the packaging must still provide essential information such as the name of the food, the list of ingredients, and any allergen information.

It is important to note that while there are exceptions and exemptions, food businesses must still adhere to the fundamental principles of consumer safety. Clear and accurate labelling is essential for consumers to make informed choices about the products they purchase. 

Penalties for Non-Compliance with FSSAI Guidelines for Labelling and Packaging 

Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) ensures compliance to the labelling and packaging guidelines by levying fine and other penalties. Non-compliance with these guidelines can have serious consequences in the form of penalties and legal actions.

The FSSAI has established strict regulations to govern labelling and packaging practices to protect consumers from misleading information and substandard products. In case of non-compliance, penalties can range from fines to legal proceedings, depending on the severity of the violation. The penalties can vary for different violations, such as incorrect labelling, misleading claims, or failure to provide essential information.

For minor violations or first-time offenders, the FSSAI may impose fines as per the provisions outlined in the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. The amount of the fine can vary depending on the nature and extent of the violation. In more severe cases, where non-compliance poses a significant risk to consumer health, legal actions such as product recall or suspension of the FSSAI license may be initiated. Therefore, it is crucial for food businesses to prioritize compliance with the labelling and packaging guidelines to avoid penalties and legal repercussions. 

Tips for Complying with FSSAI Guidelines for Labelling and Packaging 

Here are some tips to help you navigate the FSSAI labelling and packaging guidelines:

  • Understand the regulations: Familiarize yourself with the specific labelling and packaging requirements outlined by the FSSAI. This includes information related to product names, ingredient lists, nutritional information, allergen declaration, and FSSAI logo placement.
  • Accurate and clear labelling: Ensure that all the mandatory information is displayed accurately and clearly on the packaging. Use legible fonts, appropriate font sizes, and contrasting colours to enhance readability.
  • Ingredient declaration: Provide a comprehensive list of all ingredients used in the product, including additives and allergens. Ensure that the ingredient names are easily understandable by the average consumer.
  • Nutritional information: Display accurate and detailed nutritional information per serving size, including calories, fat, protein, carbohydrates, and any other relevant nutrients as per the FSSAI guidelines.
  • Allergen information: Clearly highlight the presence of common allergens such as milk, wheat, nuts, and soy, to assist consumers with allergies or dietary restrictions.
  • Product claims and representations: Avoid misleading claims or false representations about the product’s attributes, benefits, or quality. Ensure that all claims made on the packaging are supported by scientific evidence or comply with FSSAI regulations.
  • Adequate packaging: Ensure that the packaging material used is appropriate for the product and maintains its safety, quality, and integrity. Consider factors such as contamination prevention, shelf life, and storage conditions.
  • Regular updates and compliance checks: Stay updated with any changes or amendments in the FSSAI regulations. Conduct regular internal audits and compliance checks to ensure ongoing adherence to the guidelines.

By following these tips, food businesses can navigate the FSSAI labelling and packaging regulations effectively. 

Case Studies: Examples of Good and Bad Labelling and Packaging Practices

When it comes to labelling and packaging practices, there are both good and bad examples that can be found in the Indian market. Let’s look at some real-life Indian examples that highlight the differences:

Good Labelling and Packaging Practice: Amul Milk Amul is a well-known brand in India that demonstrates excellent labelling and packaging practices. Their milk cartons clearly display the necessary information, including the product name, brand logo, FSSAI license number, nutritional information, and manufacturing date. The packaging is sturdy, tamper-proof, and ensures the freshness and safety of the product.

Also, Haldiram’s, a popular snack brand in India, maintains good labelling and packaging standards. Their products display all the necessary information, including the FSSAI license number, vegetarian symbol, ingredient list, allergen information, and nutritional facts. The packaging is well-sealed, preserving the freshness and flavour of the snacks.

Bad Labelling and Packaging Practice: Generic Spices Packets In contrast, many generic packets of spices found in local markets often exhibit poor labelling and packaging practices. They may lack crucial information such as the FSSAI license number, expiry date, ingredient list, or nutritional information. The packaging might be flimsy, prone to damage, or inadequate for long-term storage, compromising the quality and safety of the product.

These real-life examples highlight the importance of following good labelling and packaging practices as per the FSSAI guidelines. It is crucial for businesses to provide accurate information, ensure proper packaging materials, and prioritize consumer safety. By adhering to these practices, businesses can gain consumer trust and contribute to a more transparent and reliable food industry.


In conclusion, the FSSAI guidelines for labelling and packaging are not just a set of rules to follow; they are a pathway to ensuring consumer safety, transparency, and trust in the food industry. While the guidelines may seem daunting at first, they are ultimately designed to safeguard our well-being and create a level playing field for all food businesses. 

So, whether you’re a food manufacturer, retailer, or consumer, let’s embrace the FSSAI guidelines for labelling and packaging to promote safety, build trust, and ensure that our plates are filled with not just delicious food but also the knowledge that it is safe and compliant with regulations. Together, we can create a future where every product speaks the truth through its label and packaging, enhancing our culinary experiences while prioritizing our well-being.

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