Difference In Cost For Trademark Registration In India And Other Countries

Difference In Cost For Trademark Registration In India And Other Countries

A trademark can be any word, phrase, symbol, design, or a combination of these things that identifies your goods or services. It is how customers recognize you in the market and differentiate you from your rivals. Trademark registration gives a separate identity to your brand. 

In this blog we are going to talk about what are trademark and its cost of registration in India and other countries

Table of Contents

What is Trademark Registration?

Trademark Registration gives you national preference over anyone else who might want to use the same registration mark. Up to a point, trademark registration lowers the costs of existing trademark rights. Fraudsters, cyber squatters, and infringing product importers are all protected by registration.

Although the process is similar in most countries, the main trademark registration requirements along with expenses vary. 

As a result, it is critical to understand the procedure in order to ensure that your product is properly protected.

Procedure for Trademark Registration in India 

  • The first step is to conduct research to come up with a distinctive name for registration purposes.
  • The next step is to prepare the application, including all required documents and files.
  • After that, the Trademark authorities will analyze the application and publish it for public comment.
  • If the trademark application is not opposed, the trademark will be awarded and a Trademark Certificate will be given.
  • According to the state of the registration procedure, the individual is allotted the logo after the last stage.

The Cost Difference between India & Other Countries

The cost of it varies per country, depending on the value they provide and the service they provide. India is cheaper in comparison to Europe and some parts of America due to the difference in monetary values. 

The Cost of trademark registration in India

The cost Varies depending on the services supplied by the agencies to the individual. Basic services, such as filing, will be less expensive than services that cover the entire registration procedure. In India, the cost of registration of a trademark ranges from rs4500-rs5000 for filing the application with the appropriate authorities for an individual . 

Further, the registration costs upto rs.9000 plus extra services like Trademark Search, Trademark Filing, and Trademark Update.

There are additional fees that cover all of the services avail in addition to the government fees for its registration. However, these high-priced services are of excellent quality and meet all of the standards.

Cost In Europe and United States

The cost in Europe and the United States, the minimum registration fee for a European trademark is 850 Euros, and for an American trademark, the fee is 350 dollars plus any fees levied by the legal authorities for the process. The trademark search and filing, as well as the legal procedures, are all included in the service. 

Cost In India

The government charges Rs. 9000 per application per class for registration of trademark. Individuals must pay Rs. 4500 per application per class in order to register a trademark with the government. 

It is a time-consuming process that can take anywhere from 6 months to 18 months in a straight-forward case with no objections or oppositions. The trademark application number, on the other hand, is normally accommodated within one or two days of filing.


The cost of trademark registration varies by country, depending on the value of the currency and the level of service provided by the respective agencies. The cost of trademark registration in India is lower than in many other countries due to the lower rate of Indian rupee and labour costs.

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