All you need to know about Start-ups

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What are start-ups?

Start-ups are nothing but creativity of mind. It is a young company founded by one individual who is recognise as a ENTREPRENEUR to develop a unique product or service in a market. Start-up are usually small and financed by one individual, it comprises of small no. of team members. The optimum goals of start ups are to increase the employment opportunities  and wealth creation.

All you need to know about Start-ups

How can I start a start-up?

It all start with an idea, there are thousand of people who have different kinds of idea, but one who know how to speak out or stand out with the one in a unique or better way have chances to cover the maximum market. Ola, Flipkart , Zomato ,Make my trip they need no introduction today , these are India’s top start-ups.

But what they have do to make a innovative idea in to a plan is highly recommendable &  appreciable

STEP 1 – Create an idea, push your mind develop an innovative idea. One’s idea need to be push so that it can break in to uniqueness.

STEP 2– Test your idea, you need to pull up your socks, identify your potential market and have to evaluate whether your product is relatable to them or not

STEP 3– Product team and traction, once you’re done with your blueprint now its time for a practical exposure of real world, this is one of the most difficult and hard working stage for any start-up your product or service need to be so strong enough so that people can’t copy or improvise it or you can say it is  the introductory stage of your start-up where you have to put all your efforts for successful launch.

Once your product is ready, you need a trustworthy team of individuals, it is your team who is going to execute your idea in to action by developing a effective as well as efficient plan. A leader need to evaluate and distribute roles & responsibilities according to the work.

Traction, it is the ability to make customer aware about you and your product most of the start-ups fail due to lack of traction, because people are not aware. So to over come such problem one need to use all possible marketing campaigning , digital marketing, social media marketing and blogs to aware people about their existence. After getting sufficient amount of people across, you can launch parties , sponsorship, events etc.

STEP 4- Create your pitch, its basically mean to find good genuine investors for your project or to convince anyone to invest on it. Attending few pitching session get first hand experience of it, and always have a presentation with you.

How to get start-up recognition?

STEP 1– Incorporation of business, must need to follow a ordinary procedure as a certificate of incorporation, pan card and other compliances related to the particular type of business.

STEP 2– Registering the business with start-up India scheme, this is one of the easiest process you only need to upload a online form on start-up India websites.

STEP 3– Documents required to be upload online for further verifications and evaluations, it include patent journals (if any) , support letter, letter of funding, incorporation certificate of business, description and innovation of your product.

STEP 4– Choose if you would like to have tax benefits, by getting an approval from inter ministry board

STEP 5– Self certify your all documentation, as self judgement stand out best. Check that is your company is qualifying all required conditions to avails the benefits.

STEP 6– Get your recognition number, there will be one unique allotted no. and certificate of recognition.

STEP 7– Other areas to look over, patents , trademarks , copyright & design , funding etc.

Benefits of funding start-ups?

There are number of merits of getting start-up funding Easy access to business capital, network and linkages , it support business in legal matter also protect it from put in to certain type of risk which result in business compliances. It majorly helps in to exposure of industrial world creating linkages and networks which proof beneficial at some point as it helps in building opportunities,

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