Penalty for non issuance of E-Invoicing under GST

E-invoicing under GST might seem complex at first, but it’s the new way for many Indian businesses to send bills electronically. It helps the government keep track of transactions but skipping it can create a chain reaction of issues for your company. Penalties are just the beginning! Here’s why staying on top of e-invoicing is essential for a hassle-free business operation.

E-invoicing under GST

Table of Contents

The Financial Impact of Non-Compliance

  • Impact on Cash Flow: The cash flow of business can be affected due to E invoicing penalties as these can be significant.
  • Reputational Damage: The E-invoicing Noncompliance can lead to reputational damages; make it harder to win new clients or partners.

There’s more to worry about than just a fine. Failing to generate e-invoices can lead to:

  • Disrupted Operations: Dealing with penalties and potential legal issues can disrupt your normal business operations.
  • Delayed Goods Movement: Without a valid e-invoice, your goods might be held up during transportation, causing delays and frustration. 

Who needs to generate E-invoice?

The threshold for mandatory e-invoicing keeps getting lower Businesses registered under GST with a turnover exceeding Rs. 5 crores in any previous financial year must generate e-invoices. There are lot of benefits of E-invoicing under gst.

What is an invalid or incorrect e invoice?

Some of the reasons why an e-invoice is considered invalid or incorrect is as follows:

  • Wrong format: The invoice isn’t filled out in the way the government requires. It’s like writing in the wrong language on a form.
  • Duplicate invoice: You already sent an e-invoice for this same sale with a special code (IRN). You can’t send two for the same purchase.
  • GSTIN issue: The ID number (GSTIN) for you or the buyer is either wrong or not active anymore. It’s like having an outdated driver’s license.
  • Late filing (for now): This only applies to businesses selling over 100 crore a year. There was a rule to submit invoices within 7 days, but that’s been put on hold for a while. The government will announce a new deadline later.

If you mess up any of these and still send the e-invoice, it could be seen as a mistake, and you might have to pay a fine.

How E-Invoicing works?

In India, there’s a new system for business bills if you sell taxable stuff (no food or drinks at a lower rate). E – Invoice applicability, applies to businesses that cross a certain sales amount in a year. Basically, instead of a regular paper bill, you need to send an “e-invoice”.

Here’s how it works:

  • Make your bill: Just like usual, create your invoice or credit/debit note on your accounting software.
  • Upload it online: Send that bill electronically to a government portal called the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP).
  • Get a special code: Once uploaded, the system generates a unique code for your invoice, like a digital fingerprint.

This system helps the government track business transactions. The non usage of sending of E-invoices can leads to penalties.

What if you skip e-invoicing? There can be trouble! 

What happens if e-invoice is not generated? In India, there’s a new system for business bills called e-invoicing. There is a time limit to generate e invoice. It applies to businesses above a certain sales threshold selling taxable items (not including groceries or discounted food). Basically, instead of a paper bill, you send an electronic invoice through a government website. There are penalties of non-issuance of E invoice under GST.

  • Fines: Not using e-invoices can lead to penalties. The government can fine you a flat Rs. 10,000 or the entire tax amount on the sale, whichever is higher. That can put a dent in your wallet!
  • Invalid Invoices: Bills without a special e-invoice code (IRN) are seen as invalid under the law. It’s like having a missing receipt – the sale might not be recognized.
  • More Than Fines: Besides penalties, there could be other problems. For instance, you might have issues transporting goods without a valid e-invoice.

The deadline for businesses with over 100 crore turnover to report invoices within 7 days was postponed by the government. They’ll announce a new date later. The requirement for businesses with over 5 crore turnover to use e-invoicing started on August 1st, 2023.

Note: Using e-invoices is important to avoid fines and ensure your sales are recognized. It’s an innovative idea to stay updated on any changes in the e-invoicing rules.

Detailed Consequences of Noncompliance of an Invoicing

More Than Just Fines and penalties for non- generation of E- Invoices, the Trouble with Skipping E-Invoices in India is much more. There’s more to e-invoicing than just avoiding penalties! Here’s how skipping it can cause a domino effect of problems for your business:

  • Stuck Goods: Imagine your truck full of supplies getting pulled over. Without a valid e-invoice (recognized by a special code) and an e-way bill (permit for moving goods), the authorities can hold your goods and vehicle! This can be a major delay and cost extra fees.
  • Payment Delays: Your customers rely on a proper e-invoice to claim tax credits from the government. If your invoice lacks the IRN code, they might hold off on paying you or even refuse the delivery. This can strain your business relationships and cash flow.
  • Tax Credit Troubles: Valid e-invoices are like receipts for businesses. The tax credits can’t be claimed by customer on the payment they have done to you, that will lead them to avoid buying products from you.
  • E-way Bill Woes: E-way bills and e-invoices work together. Issues with one can affect the other. 
  • Fixing E-Invoices mistakes: Made a mistake on your e-invoice? You only have 24 hours to fix it and get a new code. Otherwise, you need to create a whole new document (credit or debit note) to fix things, adding extra work.

How to avoid Noncompliance of E-Invoicing?

E-invoicing under GST can be a breeze with the right tools! Here’s how to find a helpful service:

  • Double-check buddy: Get an e-invoicing service that acts like a proof-reader for your bills. It should catch any mistakes before you send them out. Make sure the service stays updated on the latest rules, so you’re always following the law.
  • Catch errors early: Look for a service with a user-friendly dashboard. This lets you easily review your invoices and fix any typos or errors before they cause problems for you or your customers.
  • Your way to send: Choose a service that offers different ways to send invoices. Do you like using your accounting software? Great! Prefer uploading a file? No problem! Pick the option that fits your business best.
  • Fast and reliable: The services that can handle large number of invoice data should be implemented to avoid the invoice generation getting late.

Good E-Invoicing Services

A good E-invoicing under GST service should:

  • Be Fast: It should be able to send out thousands of invoices in just a few minutes.
  • Always Be Available: The service should hardly ever go down, so your business can keep chugging along smoothly.
  • Catch Errors: It should be eagle-eyed and catch many different types of errors (even over a hundred!) to ensure your invoices are flawless.
  • Fix Small Mistakes: It should be able to automatically correct minor errors on e-way bills, which are needed for moving goods.
  • Generate E-Way Bills Automatically: The E-way bills should automatically create after the invoicing seems to be correct.
  • Provide Easy Access to Information: The information of Eway bills and invoicing should be available easily.
  • Match Your Data: It should compare your e-way bills and tax filings to make sure everything lines up correctly.
  • Offer Reports and Customization: You should get useful reports and be able to tweak how your invoices look.
  • Secure Storage: Your invoice data should be stored safely for the long haul.

By sticking to these tips and picking the right e-invoicing service, you can sidestep the headache of non-compliance and keep your business humming along smoothly.


While E-invoicing under GST might feel like a new challenge, sticking to these pointers can actually save you a lot of hassle overall. By picking an easy-to-use e-invoicing service and keeping track of the latest rules, you’re setting yourself up for smooth sailing. This means your business runs without any hiccups or unexpected fines. Just keep in mind that a little bit of effort now can help you dodge big headaches later on!


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