Newspaper Advertisement Format: Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Listed Companies Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) are crucial events that involve stakeholders and shape the company’s direction. These meetings are regulatory requirements and a venue for shareholders to participate in business governance. As a listed company, acknowledges the importance of these meetings and formally announces the meeting. The newspaper ad introduces the meeting’s details, agenda topics, and shareholder participation. Let us delve into the details of this Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM), which underscores the commitment of the company to transparency, accountability, and shared success.

Notice Of Annual General Meeting






Contact No

Notice is hereby given that ___Meeting of the members of the _______ (any former name, if name changed in 2 yrs. is scheduled to take place on Day, Date, Time. The meeting will be conducted via video conferencing or any other audio-visual means, by the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, and the rules established under it, as well as the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirement Regulations), 2015, in conjunction with the General Circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) on April 08th, 2021 as well as Circulars 02/2023 dated May 05, 2023.

These circulars are collectively referred to as the MCA circulars. Additionally, the meeting will adhere to the guidelines outlined in the SEBI Circulars dated May 12, 2020, January 15, 2021, May 13, 2022, and January 05, 2023. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and address the matters outlined in the Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM). The individuals participating in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) via Video Conferencing/Other Audio-Visual Means (VC/OAVM) will be considered for the calculation of the minimum number of attendees required for a quorum, as per Section 103 of the relevant legislation.

By the aforementioned Circulars, the Annual Report, which includes the Notice of AGM, Financial Statements for FY 2022-2023, Board’s Report, Auditor’s Report, and other necessary attachments, will be exclusively transmitted via email to all company members whose email addresses are registered with the company/Registrar & Shares Transfer Agent (RTA) or Depository Participant (DP). The electronic transmission of notification, along with accompanying papers, has been successfully executed on the specified day and date. Additionally, these materials will be accessible on the official website of the stock exchange, namely the Name of RSE, at its designated web address.

By the stipulations outlined in section 108 of the act, in conjunction with rule 20 of the Companies (Management & Administration rules), 2014, as periodically amended, and Regulation 44 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015, as well as the Secretarial standards on General meeting (SS-2), the company is pleased to offer the option of remote e-voting (referred to as ‘Remote E-voting’) to all members.

This facility enables members to exercise their voting rights on all resolutions specified in the Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Furthermore, the organization is offering a facility for electronic voting (e-voting) during the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to all members who have not already submitted their ballots via remote e-voting. The procedural guidelines and instructions about the Annual General Meeting have been outlined in the official notice.

Members of the company holding shares in physical or dematerialized form as of the cut-off date (at least 7 days before the meeting) may vote by remote e-voting or attend the meeting via VC/OAVM and vote at the AGM. Their voting rights will be proportional to their paid-up equity shares capital on the cut-off date. The remote e-voting period begins on [Date of Commence with time IST] and finishes on [Date of End with time IST].

If Dividend Recommended – The company will pay dividends to shareholders whose names appear as Registered owners in the Register of Members or Beneficial Owners at the close of business hours on [Record Date] as per the depositories’ details.

Any person who becomes a member of the company following the notice AGM and holds shares as of cut-off /record date [Date] may request the login ID and password at [Designated email ID of company] or [RTA Email]. Users registered with NSDL/CDSL for remote e-voting can use their existing credentials to vote. Members should carefully read the AGM Notice, directions for joining the AGM, and remote e-voting procedures.

By Order of the board for [ NAME OF COMPANY]

Name of Duly Authorized Issuing Person




In the dynamic world of corporate governance, the Annual General Meeting (AGM)/Virtual AGM (VAGM)/One-Time Physical AGM Venue Change (OAVM)] assumes paramount importance for listed companies. These meetings provide a platform for fostering transparency, engaging shareholders, and charting the course for a successful future. This newspaper advertisement serves as an introduction to the upcoming AGM/VAGM/OAVM of the Company, underlining the commitment of the company to inclusivity, shareholder participation, and safety.

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