All You Need To Know About FSSAI Product Approval

FSSAI Product Approval

FSSAI, also known as the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, is a fascinating organization that ensures the safety and quality of our food. It acts as a vigilant guardian, safeguarding our plates from potential hazards. FSSAI sets guidelines, conducts inspections, and enforces regulations to maintain high standards in the food industry. With its watchful eye, it prevents the entry of harmful substances and promotes hygienic practices throughout the food supply chain. This not only protects our health but also assures us that the food we consume meets stringent quality requirements. FSSAI’s dedication to ensuring safe and nutritious meals for all is truly worthy, as it plays a vital role in shaping a healthier and happier nation.
As part of its regulatory functions, FSSAI has implemented a product approval system to regulate certain categories of food products. Here’s everything you need to know about FSSAI product approval.

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What is FSSAI Product Approval?

FSSAI, the guardian of food safety and standards, has established a remarkable system that paves the way for extraordinary food products to grace our tables. This process acts as a key, granting entry to those exceptional concoctions that defy convention and introduce us to a culinary adventure like no other. FSSAI Product Approval is the gateway to a realm of boundless imagination and limitless potential. It is a meticulously crafted process that ensures that avant-garde food products meet the highest standards of safety, quality, and innovation. From cutting-edge functional foods to groundbreaking food ingredients, this approval system takes the extraordinary and transforms it into the extraordinary.

FSSAI product certification is more than just a regulatory process; it is an enabler of dreams, a catalyst for innovation. It ensures that the marvels of culinary genius don’t remain confined to the imaginations of their creators but find their way onto our plates. It safeguards our health, assuring us that these trailblazing creations have passed the rigorous tests of safety and quality.Top of Form

Categories of Products Requiring Approval

Here are some of the key categories that fall under the ambit of FSSAI product approval:

  • Novel Food Products: These are food products that have not been traditionally consumed in India and have no history of safe use. Examples include new plant varieties, food ingredients with no prior usage, or products with novel production methods.
  • Functional Food Products: Functional foods are those that provide additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Products with added functional ingredients such as probiotics, prebiotics, fortified foods, or products claiming specific health benefits fall into this category.
  • Food Supplements: Food supplements encompass a range of products, including dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and nutraceuticals. These products may require approval to ensure their safety, efficacy, and compliance with regulatory standards.
  • Genetically Modified (GM) Foods: Genetically modified foods are those that have been genetically engineered or modified to possess specific traits. These products require thorough evaluation to assess their safety for consumption and to ensure compliance with the FSSAI’s guidelines on GM foods.
  • Novel Processing Technologies: Food products manufactured using novel processing technologies, such as novel thermal processes, high-pressure processing, or nanotechnology, may require approval to assess their impact on safety, quality, and nutritional aspects.
  • Food Additives and Ingredients: Certain food additives, ingredients, or processing aids that are new or modified may require approval. This ensures that they meet the specified safety criteria and do not pose risks to consumer health.
  • Irradiated Foods: Foods that have undergone ionizing radiation for purposes such as preservation or sterilization fall under this category. FSSAI product validation ensures that irradiated foods comply with safety standards and labeling requirements.

Document required for FSSAI Product Approval

To obtain product approval from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), you will typically need to submit the following documents:

  • Completed Product Approval Application Form: FSSAI product approval online form can be obtained from the FSSAI website or in offline case from the regional FSSAI office. It requires you to provide detailed information about the product and the manufacturing process.
  • Product Testing Reports: These reports should be conducted by an FSSAI-recognized laboratory and should include analyses for various parameters such as microbiological analysis, chemical composition, contaminants, pesticide residues, heavy metals, etc. The reports should indicate compliance with the relevant FSSAI standards.
  • Manufacturing Unit License: A copy of the valid FSSAI license for the manufacturing unit where the product is produced should be submitted.
  • Label Design and Artwork: The product label design and artwork should adhere to the FSSAI labeling regulations. You need to provide a sample of the label along with its dimensions and specifications.
  • Declaration of Conformity: A declaration stating that the product complies with the relevant FSSAI regulations and standards should be provided. This declaration can be in the form of an affidavit or a signed statement.
  • Manufacturing Process Flow Chart: A detailed process flow chart outlining the steps involved in the manufacturing of the product should be included.
  • Formulation and Recipe: The formulation and recipe of the product should be provided, including the list of ingredients and their proportions.
  • Quality Assurance and Safety Measures: Documentation demonstrating the implementation of quality control measures and adherence to food safety standards should be submitted. This may include standard operating procedures (SOPs), records of quality checks, and certifications such as ISO, HACCP, etc., if applicable.
  • Undertaking for Compliance: An undertaking stating that the product will be manufactured and labeled in accordance with the approved formulation and the FSSAI regulations should be submitted.
  • Any Other Supporting Documents: Additional documents requested by FSSAI or deemed necessary for the approval process should be provided, if applicable.

Process for FSSAI Product Approval

The FSSAI product approval process involves the following steps:

The process for obtaining product approval from the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) under the FSSAI Act involves the following steps:

  • Business Entity Incorporation: The FSSAI product certification process for non-specified food products or ingredients is an intangible asset for any kind of business entity. It provides the business unit with the authority to marketplace or manufacture a specific type of product. It is recommended to establish the business entity as a company or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) before applying for FSSAI product approval. This provides the entity with a legal framework to operate and market the approved products.
  • Food Business Operator (FBO) License: Before applying for product approval, the business must obtain a valid FBO license from FSSAI. This license is mandatory for businesses involved in the manufacturing, selling, or handling of food products. The FBO license certificate should be submitted along with the product approval application.
  • Test Reports: The application for product approval should include test reports obtained from National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) accredited labs. These reports validate the label claims, ingredients, and other parameters of the food product. For products with health claims, an NABL accredited lab test report is essential.
  • Food Product Label: The product approval application should contain the label of the food product. It is not necessary to print the label, but it should conform to the FSSAI Food Product Labelling Standards.
  • Application Submission: FBOs can submit the product approval application online through the Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS) website by submitting the FSSAI product certification fees. The application should include the necessary documents and payment of the required FSSAI product approval fees. The FBOs need to select the state and category of the food product while submitting the application.
  • Document Scrutiny: After submitting the application, the food authorities will scrutinize the documents and application details. They may request additional supporting documents or seek clarifications during this stage.
  • FSSAI Product Approval: Based on the safety assessment of the food product, the food authorities will either grant product approval or reject the application. When the approval is granted for FSSAI product validation process, the FBO should submit a certificate of analysis regarding the physical, microbiological, chemical, and nutritional parameters of the food product to the authorities.

Validity of Approval FSSAI product approval

FSSAI product approval is typically granted for a specific period, which may vary depending on the nature of the product and the evaluation conducted by the FSSAI. The validity of the approval will be mentioned in the approval letter or certificate provided by the FSSAI.

The duration of FSSAI products approval can range from a few months to several years, depending on factors such as the novelty of the product, the level of scientific evidence provided, and the specific requirements of the FSSAI. It is important to note that the approval is not indefinite and may require renewal or review at the end of the validity period.

Renewal or review of FSSAI product approvals ensures that the product continues to meet the necessary safety, quality, and regulatory standards. The renewal process typically involves re-evaluating the product based on updated scientific knowledge, any changes in regulations, and the submission of relevant documentation or data.

Importance of FSSAI Product Approval FSSAI

The importance of FSSAI product approval can be summarized in the following key points:

  • Ensures Consumer Safety: FSSAI product approval plays a vital role in safeguarding consumer health and safety. By evaluating food products before they enter the market, it ensures that they meet the required safety standards, reducing the risk of potential harm or adverse effects to consumers.
  • Maintains Quality Standards: FSSAI product approval helps maintain consistent quality standards in the food industry. It ensures that approved products meet the prescribed criteria for ingredients, manufacturing processes, labeling, and other relevant factors, providing consumers with reliable and high-quality food choices.
  • Builds Consumer Trust: FSSAI product approval enhances consumer confidence in food products. When consumers see the FSSAI-approved logo or label on a product, it serves as a mark of assurance that the product has undergone rigorous evaluation and meets the necessary safety and quality standards set by the regulatory authority.
  • Encourages Innovation and Compliance: FSSAI product approval encourages innovation in the food industry while ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements. It provides a framework for businesses to introduce new and innovative food products, promoting creativity and competitiveness within a controlled and safe environment.
  • Facilitates Market Access: FSSAI product approval is often a prerequisite for market access, both within India and for exports. Many retailers, food service establishments, and online platforms require FSSAI-approved products, making the approval a crucial factor in expanding business opportunities and accessing a wider consumer base.

Limitations and Challenges

While FSSAI product approval is an important regulatory process, it does face certain limitations and challenges. These include:

  • Time-Consuming Process: The product approval process can be time-consuming and lengthy, involving multiple stages of evaluation, screening, and expert committee reviews. This can result in delays for businesses seeking to introduce new products to the market, potentially affecting their competitiveness and agility.
  • Complexity and Documentation Requirements: The FSSAI product approval process requires extensive scientific data, documentation, and supporting evidence. Meeting these requirements can be challenging, especially for small-scale businesses or startups with limited resources or access to scientific expertise.
  • Subjectivity in Evaluation: While the FSSAI strives to maintain objectivity, there can be a degree of subjectivity in the evaluation process. Factors such as interpretation of scientific data, expert opinions, and individual perspectives may influence the outcome of the approval decision, introducing a level of uncertainty and variability.


FSSAI product approval is a vital component of the regulatory framework governing food products in India. By ensuring the safety and quality of novel and functional food products, it helps protect consumer health and fosters consumer confidence in the food industry. However, it is essential for businesses to be aware of the specific requirements and procedures involved in the product approval process to ensure compliance and facilitate a smooth approval journey.

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