BIS Registration in India: Process and Documents Requirement

BIS Registration in India BIS is a legal entity, established to issue comprehensive guidelines for manufacturers to ensure the quality, reliability, and safety of products. From now on, thousands of manufacturers from all over the world have obtained this license to guarantee their quality. BIS is becoming increasingly popular among industries that care about the quality of their product. To obtain a BIS registration, the applicant is required to provide a set of documents and a prescribed application form to the authorities. In this article, we will BIS registration in India: process and documents required.

Table of Contents

An overview of BIS Registration

The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is a government-sponsored body involved in Assessing Compliance, Standardization, and Quality Assurance of goods, services, processes, and programs. India’s standards developed by this highly advanced organization support the foundation of Product Certification Schemes, which help Third Party Assurance of product safety, quality, and reliability of end-users.

The BIS certification system is voluntary. But, in some products, compliance with Indian standards is done authorized by the Government of India under several considerations, namely; Public interest, human safety, animal or plant health, environmental protection, prevention of illegal trade practices, and national security. For these goods, the Indian government certifies Standard Mark use under a Certificate of Compliance (CoC) or a license from the BIS for the allocation of QSOs.

Aim of BIS

  • Continuous improvement and consistency of standardization, quality assurance, and marking
  • Ideal development of a national strategy for monitoring standards and aligning them with product development and exports.
  • Ensuring a new focus on quality control and consistency.

Who is all eligible for the BIS Registration in India?

All Manufacturers and Producers notified under CRS or Compulsory Registration Program is required to apply for a BIS certificate in India. However, the things to consider when applying for registration are:

  • Different Registration Number is required for products manufactured or produced in different locations.
  • A unique Registration Number is required for each product or item manufactured or produced at the same place.

Procedure for obtaining a BIS Certificate in India

The steps involved in the process of obtaining a BIS Certificate in India are as follows:

  • First, send specific product samples or collections for testing to a recognized BIS laboratory.
  • Upon receipt of the test report, the applicant is required to enter some of the basic information as follows:
    • Name of Applicant;
    • Firm Name;
    • Complete Address;
    • Lab-in-charge Signature;
  • Now, in the next step, visit the official BIS website and download forms VI and VII.
  • However, it should be borne in mind that when applying for registration, the applicant is required to upload all required documents and inspection reports.
  • Also, you need to bring a copy of the papers and report to the BIS Regional Office.
  • In the case of Producers and Overseas Manufacturers, the applicant is required to hire an AIR (All Indian Representatives), which will be responsible for obtaining a certificate on behalf of the manufacturers.
  • Upon receipt of the application for registration of the BIS in India, competent authorities will review and process all documents, test reports, and submitted applications.
  • If satisfied, the officer will issue a BIS Registration Certificate to the applicant.

Documents Required for BIS Registration in India

  • Proof of file submission online
  • Government-focused license and registration.
  • Proof of address
  • Declaration Application from the CEO of the firm.
  • Proof of the brand name: A certificate stating that the brand name belongs to the owner, or a letter of approval from the product owner of the product, or a trademark application (if applied).
  • The applicant from overseas must provide an affidavit and proof of identity by an authorized Indian lawyer.
  • Product test report tested by BIS certified lab.

Documents Required for BIS Registration in India

In addition to complying with the BIS procedure, the importer must submit an entry bill linked to the provided documents:

These are requisites for BIS registration. After issuing the license, the official BIS will issue a registration number that can be attached to an existing licensed product.

Validity of BIS certificate in India

BIS registration in India is valid for 2 years, from the date of issue. This means that the applicant needs to renew the license by applying on Form XII.

Final words

The BIS or Bureau of Indian Standards is the official body established to provide comprehensive guidelines on the quality and safety of products every manufacturer or manufacturer needs to comply with. In addition, the Bureau of Indian Standards Act 1986 acts as the regulatory framework for the issuance of BIS certificates.

To be a BIS legal entity it is subject to comprehensive quality guidelines that every manufacturer must adhere to it to ensure fair quality. New firms may face difficulties when adopting BIS guidelines in the first phase. This is because they have to make some outstanding amendments to the existing quality framework such as BIS compliance. Having said that, if you encounter any problem in obtaining a BIS license, share the matter with SMEs or experts to overcome such difficulties.

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