How to make correction/ revision in salary details of E-TDS return already filed?


Can I update a salary detail?

How can I update a salary record?

Can I add a salary detail?

How can I add a salary detail?

Can I delete a salary detail?

How can I delete a salary detail?

Can I update the assessment year of a regular TDS/TCS statement by filing a correction statement?

What is the significance of identifying a record while updating/ deleting the same?

Can I rectify the details of a Challan if the status of the same on the NSDL website is displayed as ‘Booked’?

Can I update a salary detail?

Yes we can update or revise a salary record/detail.

How can I update a salary record?

  • You can update salary details like Name and PAN of employee, salary amount, deductions, etc.
  • The procedure for updating a salary record are as follows:
  • Firstly, identify the salary record by
  • Its sequence number as per regular statement.
  • Value in the field ‘Gross total Income’ as per regular statement.
  • Update the salary details as required.
  • Along with the updated values, gross total income as per regular statement should also provide in the correction statement.

Can I add a salary detail?

Yes we can add a salary detail/ record.

How can I add a salary detail?

The procedure of addition of a salary detail or record is as follows:

Maintain the sequence of the new Challan record in continuation to the sequence number of the last Challan as per regular statement and add details of Challan in this record. Example: regular statement filed by you has three salary records and you wish to add one more salary record

  • Sequence of new record being added should be 4 in the Annexure II.
  • Add new salary record.

Can I delete a salary detail?

Yes we can delete a salary record/ detail.

How can I delete a salary detail?

The procedures of deleting a salary detail or record are as follows:

  • Identify the salary record to be deleted by:
  • Its sequence number as per regular statement
  • Gross total income as per regular statement
  • Flag the salary detail record to be deleted.
  • Along with flag for deletion, correction statement should also contain the value of the field gross total income as per regular statement.

Can I update the assessment year of a regular TDS/TCS statement by filing a correction statement?

No, one cannot update the fields TAN, Form no., quarter, FY and AY quoted in a regular statement by furnishing a correction statement.

What is the significance of identifying a record while updating/ deleting the same?

  • While preparing a correction statement, the record to be updated/ deleted is required to be identified by its sequence number as well as values of certain fields as per regular statement. List of fields used for identifying a record are as under:
  1. Challan detail- CIN details and deposit amount.
  2. Deductee detail- PAN of the Deductee, total tax deducted and total tax deposited.
  3. Salary details- gross total income.
  • The correction statement should contain values of the fields referred to above as per regular statement along with the corrections made.
  • Once the correction statement is received at TIN central system, the values of the identification fields are verified with the corresponding values as per TIN central system.
  • If the values match then the correction statement will get accepted and if the values do not match then the correction statement will get rejected.

Can I rectify the details of a Challan if the status of the same on the NSDL website is displayed as ‘Booked’?

  • If the Challan is updated and status of the Challan on the NSDL website is displayed as ‘Booked’ then modifications or rectifications to the details of the said Challan are not allowed.
  • As a result any correction/rectification/modification on a booked Challan will get rejected at the TIN central system.
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