Decoding Transparent Taxation: An Hounaring Stage For Honesty


Features of this platform

Main focus of platform

Expectations from taxpayer’s field

Benefits of the platform

Every person in the present scenario always thinks about its own extraordinary gains before doing any act in his/her life. This line speaks very beyond meaning for the topic which is going to be discussed below.

Decoding Transparent Taxation: An Hounaring Stage For Honesty

To enhance the transparency, efficiency and accountability of tax administration our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi has launched a platform “Transparent Taxation” for presenting an honor to the honest tax payers. This platform is helpful in spreading awareness among tax payers and understanding the tax reforms through timely professional assistance from department. Prime minister also stated the more goals to make the system more seamless, painless and faceless.

Features of this platform:

  • Using data analytics and artificial intelligence is the only mode of selection.
  • Allocation of cases is automated randomly to any officer in India.
  • Abolishing of territorial jurisdiction.
  • No any physical interference/ visit of income tax office/officer.
  • Assessments and reviews for appellate decision are team based.
  • Drafting, reviewing and finalizing of order is to be done in different cities.
  • Central issuance of notices with DIN.

Main focus of platform:

  • Faceless assessment scheme: Eliminating physical interference with an objective to impart efficiency, transparency and accountability
  • Faceless appeals: Appeals will be taken by systems and system is to be implemented from 25th September of this year.
    Exceptions to appeal:
    • International tax.
    • Serious frauds and major tax evasions.
    • Black money Act and Benami property.
  • Taxpayer’s charter: Step to bring together duties, rights and clearing government responsibilities towards taxpayers.
    The charter ensures:
    • Privacy/dignity of taxpayer.
    • Commitment for transparent and tax payer friendly regime.
    • Enhancing trust between tax payer and income tax department.
    • Collection of correct amount of tax.
    • To provide complete and accurate information.

Expectations from taxpayer’s field:

  • Accurate records.
  • Keep informed.
  • Always be honest and compliant.
  • Respond and pay on time.

Benefits of platform:

  • No any physical interference.
  • Greater transparency and efficiency.
  • Improved quality of assessment.
  • Functional specialization.
  • Shorted compliances for taxpayers.
  • Help in promoting tax payers pay tax with honesty.

Processing of government to transfer all the processes and Acts from power centric approach towards people centric and public friendly ensures reduction in dramatic frauds which are commenced with misuse of power of representative. It shows a path towards a thought of Minimum government, Maximum governance.

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